Dear Class of 2020, We are so proud of you. This video is for you!

FCHS is joining in with several schools around the state on Friday, April 17 at 20:20 military time (8:20 pm) by turning on our Friday Night Football Lights for 20 minutes! We ask you flip on your porch light as well to just pay another little tribute to our seniors!!!

Congratulations to Kane Hixenbaugh! Kane was selected to play on the Southern 1/2A IBCA all star team! Unfortunately due to COVID-19 the game is canceled. It is still a great honor to be selected!

Don’t forget to order your yearbooks! Please contact Mr. Lyons at dlyons@fchsmules.com

Remember that the Book Fair is this week! The Book Fair will be open from 7:30 AM to 4 PM each day. Don't forget to send money with your kids so that they can check out the latest reads!

There is a PTO Meeting tonight at 7:30 in the auditorium. We will be discussing the budget for next year.

Be sure to congratulate our Volleyball Team on making it to the district finals!

Welcome to Fairfield Community High School's new website and mobile app!